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Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) Number

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

Higher education students studying in Australia need to have a Unique Student Identifier number or USI. International and domestic students must have a USI to graduate and receive their award. Domestic students who don't have a USI aren't able to apply for Commonwealth assistance. Your USI is your individual Australian education identification number for life.

Apply for your USI

​The process of applying is simple, the online tutorial video which is available here overviews the process. For further information about USI's and/or to apply for yours please click on the button below.

Record your USI

​​​​Once you have received your USI, you need to record the number in your Student Portal, select the Profile menu, enter your USI number in the USI field, then scroll down to update your details. Click on the below button for guidance on how to record your USI within your Student Portal. 

Need Help to record your USI? 

If you experience any difficulty recording your USI in your Student Portal, lodge an enquiry with Student Services and upload a copy of the email you received confirming your USI number to help Student Services update your Student Portal. 

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